The fields of servicing and spare parts shipment hold great potential for sustainability. For instance, long-lasting machines can save a lot of resources, and using eco-friendly, recyclable packaging saves valuable raw materials.
Sustainability even extends to spare parts shipment: For instance, most HAMM parts are still available well beyond the international standard minimum period of ten years after machine purchase. This way, even rollers that are several decades old can still be repaired and operated with high availability. The spare parts shipped out today – even those for older models – always meet today’s environmental requirements.
What’s more, HAMM supplies spare parts both as complete assemblies and as individual parts. This too saves resources and shipping capacities.
For spare parts shipments, HAMM dispenses with films and plastic as far as is possible. When packaging parts are ready for shipping, the company favours cardboard over plastic; and polystyrene chips are a definite no as a filler material. Instead, paper is used as a filler and padding.
Ever since 2011, HAMM has been breaking new ground in its training of servicing and sales teams the world over, to conserve resources such as paper and to reduce emissions. One such example is e-training, a purely digital online tool that renders many training courses completely paperless.
Furthermore, many product training courses are delivered in the form of video streams. This has an especially big impact on the company’s carbon footprint, given that flying just one trainer from central Europe to Southeast Asia and back again produces as many emissions as the average world citizen produces in a year.